Friday, November 17, 2006

Winning at the Security Checkpoint Game

With the holidays nearly upon us, more people than usual will be flying the "friendly" skies to visit family and friends. And if you're one of these lucky individuals, that means you're likely to find yourself enduring impossibly long wait times at airport security checkpoints around the country. But thankfully, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has a handy online tool that might ease your pain...just a little.

The Security Checkpoint Wait Times tool (catchy name, huh?) lets you easily determine how long you can expect to wait in the security line before your flight, based on airport, day of the week, and time of your departure. Mind you, these are historical figures that show the "average" time spent in line, but at least they'll give you an idea of how early you need to head to the airport. But just in case, make sure you pack a good book or magazine in your carry-on.

Safe flying!

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